Friday, October 28, 2011

Are we really in a financial drought when it comes to financing capital for water treatment systems?

By Joseph Naylor
Marketing Manager, AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC

Is the money not there or are towns and municipalities not looking in the right place.  Why are so many communities sitting stagnant, waiting on the possibility of government financial assistance to upgrade or build a new  water treatment system ? 

While the economy is flat and government funding assistance scarce, may private financial companies are looking for opportunities to provide private capital funding assistance for water treatment projects.
According to Steve Odom, CEO, VCLEAR Resources LLC, “Access to Capital remains the number one reason drinking water treatment projects are stalled in the U.S.…It is not for a lack of cost-effective technologies, but rather the availability of timely and accessible dollars which end users greatly need to accomplish their desires for the water systems and communities they serve. While government sources such as the USDA (RURAL Development) and the EPA can take months for applications and approvals, private funding can take as a little as a week”. 

The fact is, financing assistance is available.  Public-private partnerships (Privatization or P3’s) are entering the dialog in many public hearings across the nation. Public-Private Partnerships utilize private sector resources to finance and or manage a variety of municipal services including water and wastewater treatment.  Public-private partnerships have allowed construction of state-of-the-art water management facilities, using private funds to achieve new and existing EPA water quality standards.

VCLEAR Capital LLC, a sister company of AdEdge Water Technologies, provides financing assistance for water treatment systems. For more information go to,  or contact Bill Gafford, President VCLEAR Capital LLC

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dr.Oz! You should be talking about Arsenic in Drinking Water. Doctors do recommend drinking 8 full glasses of water a day.

By Antonio Inojal
Application Engineer, AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC

NBC’s Medical Expert, Dr. Oz, announced that he and his staff did an extensive study on the leading brands of apple juice, and the results were staggering. According to the study, some countries which manufacture apple juice use a pesticide that contains arsenic, a metal that can cause cancer.

Concern about arsenic in apple juice? I think this is a good faith effort (by Dr. Oz) to raise awareness about something that will have INSIGNIFICANT consequences (levels of arsenic in apple juice) in the long run. You can already read comments about moms distrusting trusted brand names such as Gerber over this issue. The EPA’s MCL for arsenic in drinking water is based on the capacity of the metal (due to its toxicity) to result in 1 death over a million inhabitants caused by the daily consumption of 2 liters of water for 70 years (taking the average person being 70 Kg). Keep in mind that a baby drinks liquid in proportion to his/her own body weight. Unless you completely substitute apple juice for water in your daily diet, I personally don’t think anyone consumes 2 liters of apple juice every day. The FDA has already sent their own letter to Dr. Oz where they claim that their own tests of the same batches of apple juice revealed much lower inorganic arsenic content than those tested by the lab contracted by Dr. Oz.

Arsenic in drinking water on the other hand is a much more prominent issue here in the U.S. and around the World.  There are water systems in the U.S., including our Native American Nations in the western U.S. , that deliver water that exceeds the EPA MCL of 10/ ppb.   Awareness of the effects of excessive   arsenic in drinking water among consumers is increasing across the country. Companies such as ours, AdEdge Water Technologies provides highly effective treatment solutions to both municipal and residential customers for excessive  arsenic levels in drinking water.  

Perhaps an appropriate follow-up story from Dr. Oz would be to address the more common issue of arsenic in drinking water that consumers' in some areas of the country face.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Recent Trip to a Remote Navajo Village Reminded Me Why Clean Water Matters

By Richard Cavagnaro

Clean water is the body’s most essential nutrient. Water is necessary for the human body to work efficiently. Water regulates the body’s energy, digestion, blood pressure, respiration and joints and we can see our bodies start to deteriorate if we go without water for more than three days. So, what happens then if you are getting the adequate amount of water, but that water is contaminated? A recent trip to a remote well in the high desert of Arizona was eye-opening.

In early June, I travelled to the Navajo Nation with Helping Hands for Water, a non-profit organization founded by a group of employees at AdEdge. I spent three days in the desert along with two other members of the non-profit doing a site visit at the Box Springs well. We decided the way to fully understand the problem with the drinking water in that area was to completely immerse ourselves into the Navajo lifestyle. And we did just that.

We toured abandoned uranium mines, visited several wells contaminated with arsenic and uranium, but the most impactful part of the experience was talking with residents of the area to get their perspective on the water crisis. We had the opportunity to stay at a house on the reservation; however, this house had neither electricity nor running water. The only water source for these people is a well contaminated with arsenic and uranium which people travel up to 75 miles to access.

It’s reported this well is causing congestive heart failure, cancer, and kidney failure among those who depend on it as their main water source. One woman I met during my stay told me she goes to a funeral every month because of a water-related death. Another woman informed me her seven year old daughter had a ten pound tumor removed from her thyroid earlier in the year. Generations of Navajo have lived on the same land for decades and many are worried this generation may be the last.

Missionaries and other groups bring cases of bottled water to residents once a month; but a more permanent solution is required. Every drop of water is sacred to the residents. The few drops of water at the bottom of a bottle of water are used to clean a table.

As the trip progressed, I realized to take for granted clean drinking water. I also came to the conclusion that I waste an enormous amount of water on a daily basis. I let the shower run a little long in the morning. Run the dishwasher with it only being half full. Throw away a glass of water if it sits out a little too long.

AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC is partnering with Helping Hands for Water to provide a uranium treatment system for the people of Box Springs because we believe clean water should not be a privilege, it should be a right. A right that everyone in this world has access to.

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Choking" Economics have Small Towns Looking at Public-Private Partnerships

By Joseph Naylor

Marketing Manager, AdEdge Water Technologies LLC.

A small town west of Atlanta, Georgia has seen the value of all of its land, buildings and vehicles, shrink by 43 percent since the beginning of our current economic recession.  Key public servant positions are being eliminated and city employees are being furloughed and taking salary cuts.  City officials propose tax increases to angry and frustrated citizens.  It’s just one town among thousands across our nation seeking solutions to the challenges of our current economic state.  

Rarely considered by small town governments in the past, Public-Private Partnerships (Privatization or P3’s) are entering the dialog in many public hearings across the nation.  Public-Private Partnerships utilize private sector resources to finance and or manage a variety of municipal services including energy production and water and wastewater treatment. 

Today, many water and wastewater treatment facilities remain publically owned and operated, but the interest in PPP’s has significantly increased across the country. 

The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1985 provides educational workshops across the country.  In September, 2010 a NCPPP sponsored workshop entitled “The Future of Water Partnership in the West” was held in Phoenix, AZ.  The meeting was keynoted by Arizona Corporate Commission Chair Kristin Mayes, who spoke about how PPPs can address the capital needs of the “graying and fraying” water infrastructure of the state. She also emphasized the relationship between energy goals, water and the rising expectations of the public. Panel discussions included how PPP’s are meeting these challenges, innovative financing tools for projects, and managing the complex relationship between water and energy.

If your water treatment system needs funding for a newer more energy efficient system or renovation, take a look at Public-Private Partnership opportunities and consider the following from the TOP 10 facts about PPP’s, published by the NCPPP.

 “Clean, safe water is achieved through public-private partnerships. The stringent health and environmental standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act have presented difficulties for some local governments without the budget flexibility to make major capital improvements in water and wastewater facilities. Public-private partnerships have enabled the construction of state-of-the-art water management facilities, while using efficient operations to hold down costs to ratepayers and provide a way of meeting those "un-funded mandates" from the federal government”. 

VCLEAR Capital LLC, a sister company of AdEdge Water Technologies, provides financing assistance for water treatment systems. For more information contact Bill Gafford, President VCLEAR Capital LLC  

Friday, June 10, 2011

AdEdge Technologies Featured Small Business on The Georgia Department of Economic Development Website.

By Joe Naylor
Marketing Manager, AdEdge Water Technologies LLC

There’s no better compliment about the success of AdEdge Technologies than a public acknowledgement from The Georgia Department of Economic Development. This month AdEdge is the featured Entrepreneur & Small Business on The Georgia Department of Economic Development website.

In just a few years, AdEdge has grown to become a significant player in the water treatment business in North America and around the World. Just in the last four years, AdEdge has grown nearly 400%, while many competitors have left the market. A solid culture driven by defined core values has driven AdEdge to the success it realizes today…and the growth is just beginning. For more information, contact or visit our website

Friday, April 22, 2011

What Earth Day Means To Me

By Lindsey Ryan, Daughter of an AdEdge Employee

We at AdEdge have been asking the "younger" generation what Earth Day means to them. Below is a response from one of our employee's daughter.

Earth Day means a lot to me because it's when everyone takes care of the Earth. If everybody treated the Earth like they do on Earth Day all the time, the world would be a better place.

Earth Day is like Father's Day or Mother's Day to me. If you treated the Earth like you do your parents, there would be less pollution and more trees.

What are you doing to make the Earth a better place for those around us?

Today is the opportune time to carpool to work, take a short shower, pick up trash you see on a sidewalk...

Let's join together and make the Earth a cleaner, healthier planet for the future generations.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Is Earth Day?

By Doug Emerick, Project Engineer, AdEdge Technologies, Inc.

I went home for lunch today and had a meal with my daughter and son. During lunch I asked Erin (7-years old) her thoughts about Earth day and her interpretation. Below are the key points we discussed. Last year at her school in Golden CO her class celebrated Earth Day, so below are her thoughts.
1. Basically to take care of the earth day

2. A day to clean up the earth

3. A day to recycle

4. Finally, a day to just celebrate

Sometimes I wish I could see the world through my kids eyes, such innocence.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


by Rick Ide, Senior Applications Engineer, AdEdge Technologies Inc.

Direct or fixed speed drives on centrifugal pumps are the most common choice for reverse osmosis (RO)systems. This is because the operation is simple and once the required flow rate and total head (i.e.,pressure) has been specified, the pump only operates on that pump curve. The direct speed drive type of design is well suited to applications where the feed water temperature is relatively constant or the variability of temperature is low, probably less than 5°C between high and low temperatures.

VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives) on centrifugal pumps should be considered when there is greater than 5°C difference between the low and high feed‐water temperatures. The use of VFDs allows you to use less energy because you operate on more than one pump curve depending on the feed pressure required. Capital cost of the VFD is higher, but operating cost is lower due to energy savings.

RO membranes require control of feed and brine flows and pressures to accommodate changes in feed water temperature, feed chemistry and membrane fouling. This important function should be handled by the integrated RO system. The optimal solution is to use a VFD to change pump‐operating speed as required for the desired feed pressure without energy-wasting throttling.

The VFD provides efficient control of the pump discharge pressure by control of the pump operating speed. The VFD also eliminates the need for a throttling valve and allows for super‐soft motion starting and easy regulation of feed water pressure.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Top 10 Plus 1 Most Impactful Books of 2010

By Rich Cavagnaro
President, AdEdge Technologies

In 2010 I had the stated goal to read or listen to two books a week. With Christmas rapidly approaching I completed book 104 two days before Dec 25 and rewardingly met my self-imposed goal. There was no particular reason for two books a week other than to see if I could do it. The discipline required to meet this pace required on average about 40 pages a day and listen to around one hour of books on CD each workday. Books were recommended to me by friends, blogs, magazines or other books. I didn't necessarily have an agenda of what to read but I focused heavily on books that provided something new to learn. The breakdown by category ended up as follows:
  • Fiction-11
  • Non-Fiction/Autobiographical-5
  • Spiritual-7
  • Investment/Money-3 
  • Self Help-17
  • Leadership-5
  • Business (56)
    • Relationships-8
    • Management/Strategy-21
    • Sales-6
    • Marketing-4
    • Economics/Behavioral Economics-7
    • Motavational-8
    • Social Media-2
When all is said and done and undoubtedly people will have far ranging opinions but for me this is the Top 10 plus 1 of the most impactful books I read in 2010:

10 Plus 1. What Matters Now? by Multiple Authors: A simple ebook format presented almost as a PowerPoint presentation concerning provocative words and how they apply in the coming business environment. This book makes it possible for me to see the benefits of how future ebooks can be presented in a stimulating fashion.

10. Ask And You Will Succeed by Kenneth Foster: A terrific management tool covering multiple business categories and well thought out questions to guide a discussion.

9. The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker: He is the master! A very useful book to read and re-read.

8. Wisdom Walkers by Dan Britton & James Page: I was given this book by a friend and it has 31 daily doses of wisdom with a spiritual tie in. Enjoyed it very much.

7. Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel: Those who are new to social media should put this book on your must read list.

6. The Management Mythbusters by David Axeson: He tosses the conventional management practices upside down. I truly enjoyed his practical advice of how management should really act.

5. Multipliers by Liz Wiseman: A terrific book on leadership, the title says it all!

4. Hot Flat & Crowded by Thomas Friedman: This book is an eye-opener into so many current and emerging societal issues. This book opens your eyes to the world, every person especially college age kids should make this required reading.

3. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankel: Truly one of the most inspiring books I have ever read and to think he had this ability to be so impactful while in a Concentration Camp during World War II.

2. The Case For Christ by Les Strobel: Fascinating analytical approach to proving the existence of Christ. He approaches the evidence as a crime reporter would do so. The result is compelling.

1. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: I have never read a book that was such an excellent laid out plan to improve one's life. I followed the plan diligently for over a year and had the most rewarding year of my life. Enough said.

For a complete list of all 104 books with a brief comment, please email me at

Friday, February 4, 2011

Are You Satisfied with Your Water? Check to See If It Is Treated With RO.

Go to your sink and pour yourself a glass of water. Study the way the water looks, smells and tastes. Is the water murky? Do you notice an odor coming from it? Does it taste "off"?

If you answered yes to any of the above, reverse osmosis might be an option to provide your community clean, pure drinking water.

Reverse osmosis, or RO, is the process of removing impurities from water by passing it through a porous membrane.

Five Reasons Why RO Might Benefit Your Community:

1. RO removes organic chemicals, excessive minerals, salts and dissolved solids from a liquid. This is very beneficial to people on restricted potassium or sodium diets since RO removes all excessive potassium and sodium.

2. Water treated by RO smells and tastes better.

3. The RO filtration process allows water to hydrate the body quicker which is helpful during exercise and the warm, summer months.

4. In areas short of clean drinking water, RO is an effective desalination agent--it removes impurities from the sea, ocean and groundwater. RO reduces the salt content to a normal, drinkable level.

5. RO removes certain biological contaminants from water such as pathogens and bacteria that are harmful when consumed.