When AdEdge first came onto the scene in 2002, our
initial goal was to be the go-to company for arsenic removal for small water systems. While we have certainly
broadened our water treatment capabilities in the last 10 years, our arsenic
treatment remains top notch. In fact, we’ve been awarded 12 arsenic removal
demonstration projects from the EPA.
Arsenic’s dangers are masked by its colorless, odorless
appearance. It is a carcinogen that occurs naturally in groundwater and is
known for leading to dangerous health conditions such as cancer and heart
There are several options for treating arsenic in drinking water,
including reverse osmosis, coagulation/filtration and oxidation/filtration
using our AD26 or ADGS+ media, which are especially effective when arsenic occurs with other common
contaminants, such as iron or manganese. ADGS+ was instrumental in our
treatment of a severe arsenic contamination in Argentina.
A simple, low-cost option for dealing with an arsenic-only
contamination in a small water system is AdEdge’s Bayoxide E33 media.
The iron-based, NSF 61-certified adsorption media removes up
to 99% of the total arsenic in water—including arsenic (III) and arsenic
(V)—and can be easily discarded as non-hazardous household waste. Bayoxide E33
is up to 2.5 times lighter than other iron-based media and can be easily
adapted to work with water softeners or other equipment.
The EPA estimates that more than 800 communities across the
country are not in compliance with its maximum contaminant level of 10 ppb of
arsenic. Don’t let your water system be part of this alarming statistic.
Contact AdEdge to ensure the purity of your water supply is protected for the health and
safety of those who drink it.