by Joe Naylor, Marketing Manager
AdEdge Technologies Inc.
Recently, I was on a flight out of town and the man in the seat next to me, bored with his airline magazine, finally spoke up and asked "where ya headed"? A small town outside Newark I replied. Then, after a brief pause and feeling a little obligated, I asked him...what's your destination? Immediately he exploded with life as he answered "I'm going to a pigment show".
Surprised at his sudden change of character and enthusiasm about going to a pigment show, I responded...really!.. and what kind of pigments are exhibited at this show? All kinds, he said. There are plant pigments, chemical pigments, dry pigments, liquid pigments, pigments for cosmetics, pigments for printing, organic pigments, and even fluorescent pigments. He continued on, enthusiastically proceeding through a rather long list of facts and information. After about 10 minutes I felt like an expert on pigments, and that I had just attended the entire show he was on his way to attend.
Ok, so what does this story really have to do with clean water? Everything!
Eventually we were re-entering our silent flight mode. I thought about how impressed I was with his excitement and enthusiasm about pigments, and more important, how passionate he was about pigments, and... how we in the water treatment industry have to be passionate about clean water.
The world's population grows while the natural supply of potable water remains constant. It's our industry that keeps it safe. We all need to be the person on the plane who can't wait to talk about our passion for clean water. Ask any employee at AdEdge, and they'll tell you what's on top of our Company's Core Values list.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Are Residential RO Drinking Water Systems Effective for Arsenic Removal? Not Really.
by Beth Thomas CWS VI, Business Development Manager, AdEdge Technologies Inc.
While continuing to be sold as a good method for removing arsenic from potable water in homes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology is not effective in treating arsenic in residential applications. In fact, The Water Quality Association and the American Water Works Association changed their recommendation for this application as not acceptable several years ago when it was determined that reverse osmosis membranes do not remove both forms of arsenic. While arsenic V is removed, arsenic III is not effectively removed. Most groundwater supplies are higher in arsenic III than in arsenic V.
Another concern with the use of RO for arsenic removal is that the arsenic rejected by the membrane is concentrated in the waste stream. This reject stream is then discharged back to the environment through the sewer, septic system, or leach field. Consequently, residential RO systems waste water. Most systems use about 8-9 gallons of water for every gallon of treated water produced. Larger commercial and municipal systems have a much better efficiency rating.
The good news is that residential systems are available to the public that are efficient, environmentally friendly and effectively remove arsenic. AdVantEdge™ residential drinking water systems by AdEdge Technologies, use arsenic filtration cartridges. These systems do not have a reject stream. They remove both arsenic III and arsenic V. In fact, these cartridges can be also be used as pretreatment to an RO membrane to remove arsenic so there is none in the waste stream, or as in-line cartridges used after the RO to remove the arsenic III not removed by the membrane.
While continuing to be sold as a good method for removing arsenic from potable water in homes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology is not effective in treating arsenic in residential applications. In fact, The Water Quality Association and the American Water Works Association changed their recommendation for this application as not acceptable several years ago when it was determined that reverse osmosis membranes do not remove both forms of arsenic. While arsenic V is removed, arsenic III is not effectively removed. Most groundwater supplies are higher in arsenic III than in arsenic V.
Another concern with the use of RO for arsenic removal is that the arsenic rejected by the membrane is concentrated in the waste stream. This reject stream is then discharged back to the environment through the sewer, septic system, or leach field. Consequently, residential RO systems waste water. Most systems use about 8-9 gallons of water for every gallon of treated water produced. Larger commercial and municipal systems have a much better efficiency rating.
The good news is that residential systems are available to the public that are efficient, environmentally friendly and effectively remove arsenic. AdVantEdge™ residential drinking water systems by AdEdge Technologies, use arsenic filtration cartridges. These systems do not have a reject stream. They remove both arsenic III and arsenic V. In fact, these cartridges can be also be used as pretreatment to an RO membrane to remove arsenic so there is none in the waste stream, or as in-line cartridges used after the RO to remove the arsenic III not removed by the membrane.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
AdEdge Technologies...Embracing Sustainability
"Sustainability". It's a word working its way into the environmental business lingo around the world, including the water treatment industry. Is sustainability just a trendy word? Are people in the industry really beginning to understand what the word means as it relates to water treatment?
The EPA on their website defines sustainability as "Policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." According to Wikipedia, "Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For humans it's the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which in turn depends on the well being of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources".
At AdEdge, our continuous strive is to design systems that not only are effective in treating contaminants, but are economically viable, energy efficient, socially responsible and waste little or no water in the process.
A few years ago as our vision of future success and growth began to crystallize here at AdEdge. The formal affirmation of who we are as a company and our vision of the future was documented into a mission statement and core values. While not the buzz word it is today, the notion of sustainability was indoctrinated into these documents. An essential part of our AdEdge mission included the development of "integrated systems that promote the value of water, are environmentally beneficial and economically sustainable" .
Just words? No. These fundamental elements in our AdEdge corporate culture have resulted in providing innovative water treatment solutions and technologies that not only accomplish our customers treatment needs, but are forward thinking... environmentally and economically. Our H2Zero™ Recycle/Backwash systems allow backwash water to be recycled rather than being discharged as wastewater, saving water as well as energy. Our Bayoxide® E-33 media for arsenic removal and can be disposed of as non-toxic material, posing no environmental threat when media change outs are necessary. Many of our systems are designed with a smaller foot print, minimizing construction and unnecessary use of land. And our latest innovation WaterPOD™, is a self-contained treatment system ready for "plug and play" building required.
At AdEdge, we're proud that today, we're embracing sustainability and continuing to develop new treatment solutions that are on the leading edge of water treatment technology.
The EPA on their website defines sustainability as "Policies and strategies that meet society’s present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." According to Wikipedia, "Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For humans it's the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which in turn depends on the well being of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources".
At AdEdge, our continuous strive is to design systems that not only are effective in treating contaminants, but are economically viable, energy efficient, socially responsible and waste little or no water in the process.
A few years ago as our vision of future success and growth began to crystallize here at AdEdge. The formal affirmation of who we are as a company and our vision of the future was documented into a mission statement and core values. While not the buzz word it is today, the notion of sustainability was indoctrinated into these documents. An essential part of our AdEdge mission included the development of "integrated systems that promote the value of water, are environmentally beneficial and economically sustainable" .
Just words? No. These fundamental elements in our AdEdge corporate culture have resulted in providing innovative water treatment solutions and technologies that not only accomplish our customers treatment needs, but are forward thinking... environmentally and economically. Our H2Zero™ Recycle/Backwash systems allow backwash water to be recycled rather than being discharged as wastewater, saving water as well as energy. Our Bayoxide® E-33 media for arsenic removal and can be disposed of as non-toxic material, posing no environmental threat when media change outs are necessary. Many of our systems are designed with a smaller foot print, minimizing construction and unnecessary use of land. And our latest innovation WaterPOD™, is a self-contained treatment system ready for "plug and play" building required.
At AdEdge, we're proud that today, we're embracing sustainability and continuing to develop new treatment solutions that are on the leading edge of water treatment technology.
Monday, September 13, 2010
In a league of its own, Adedge uses "Company Teams" as a tool for self improvement.
by Joe Naylor, Marketing Manager
AdEdge Technologies Inc.
A "Team" approach in a business environment...common, but rarely well organized and facilitated as an ongoing self improvement strategy. Don't get me wrong, the analogy of a team working together in a business to achieve a common goal is certainly valid. Imagine however, not just a team but an entire league of teams that are effectively organized, meet regularly, and challenged with self improvement. And rather than competing in the playoffs, there are performances, one team to the other teams...a continuing cycle of team work, analysis, measurement, presentations, and improvement. Everyone is a participant, everyone plays, everyone benefits...particularly our customers.
Implemented nearly two years ago at AdEdge our "teams" concept has been instrumental in the successful growth and exemplary service AdEdge offers its customers. Two years ago the words technical support, safety, customer loyalty were common business terms. I understood their meaning and purpose as well as anyone. Today however, when I see and hear the same words , I see the team members, I recall the presentations made about their mission, their goals and the successful implementation of the improvement ideas the team developed.
I'll first it all seemed like a frivolous activity that wasted and diverted time from our individual job responsibilities. But after two years, the results speak for themselves. Our "teams" concept is one of AdEdge's unique competitive advantages that allows AdEdge to deliver the best products, supported by the best customer service available in the water treatment industry.
AdEdge Technologies Inc.
A "Team" approach in a business environment...common, but rarely well organized and facilitated as an ongoing self improvement strategy. Don't get me wrong, the analogy of a team working together in a business to achieve a common goal is certainly valid. Imagine however, not just a team but an entire league of teams that are effectively organized, meet regularly, and challenged with self improvement. And rather than competing in the playoffs, there are performances, one team to the other teams...a continuing cycle of team work, analysis, measurement, presentations, and improvement. Everyone is a participant, everyone plays, everyone benefits...particularly our customers.
Implemented nearly two years ago at AdEdge our "teams" concept has been instrumental in the successful growth and exemplary service AdEdge offers its customers. Two years ago the words technical support, safety, customer loyalty were common business terms. I understood their meaning and purpose as well as anyone. Today however, when I see and hear the same words , I see the team members, I recall the presentations made about their mission, their goals and the successful implementation of the improvement ideas the team developed.
I'll first it all seemed like a frivolous activity that wasted and diverted time from our individual job responsibilities. But after two years, the results speak for themselves. Our "teams" concept is one of AdEdge's unique competitive advantages that allows AdEdge to deliver the best products, supported by the best customer service available in the water treatment industry.
Get to know AdEdge
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
New AdEdge Video features Customer Testimonial About AdEdge AD26 Arsenic Removal Treatment System in Anthony, NM
AdEdge Technologies released a new video that features testimony from Pete Gomez, Water Operator for Desert Sands MDWCA, Anthony, NM. AdEdge installed a 450gpm AD26 Packaged Water Treatment system to remove arsenic, iron & manganese.
Case Study,
Iron and Manganese
Friday, August 6, 2010
A Passion for Clean Water leads to Helping Hands for Water
by Rich Cavagnaro
President, AdEdge Technologies
At AdEdge Technologies, we have as one of our core values a "Passion for Clean Water". This can be drilled down to simply meaning having an impact on people's lives. This feeling is a key driver on the type of personnel we are looking for during our interviewing process. it is also one of the main competitive advantages we offer as a company...our customers can feel our passion. This attitude is present in many ways from how we provide customer service, to our work ethic, to our strides toward excellence.
One of the things that make me feels so proud of our staff, is the 501(3)C charity they started this past year, Helping Hands for Water (HHFW). HHFW has already engaged in fulfilling two water treatment projects for communities in Latin America and in the southwestern U.S. to remove arsenic and uranium from these communities source water. Our staff has rallied around these projects dedicating their talents and time to make this endeavor happen!
In the next few weeks, we will be announcing a fundraiser activity to be held on October 24, 2010, to help offset some of the recipient charity's costs for these projects. If you feel this is something you would like to participate in, please contact
Helping Hands For Water,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
New AdEdge Iron Removal System Case Study Video Features Town Residents.
AdEdge released a new case study video featuring the Village of Corona, NM and how the AdEdge AD26 iron & manganese system has improved the water in the community. the video features testimony from the Director of Public Works, community residents, a restaurant, and the community Mayor.
Case Study,
Iron and Manganese
Monday, June 21, 2010
The AdEdge Technologies Clean Water Blog...Our Hope.
by Rich Cavagnaro
President, Adedge Technologies, Inc
As a company tradition at AdEdge, we keep Friday's lunchtime open for a company lunch with all staff members. Subjects can range across many topics but usually center around a theme from one of our Company's Core Values.
Passion for Clean Water
Integrity Any Time... Any Place
Exemplary Service
Enjoyment of Work
Last Friday we had a discussion whether it was acceptable to place a lottery ticket in a church offering basket. Most people felt it was not a tasteful act to do this, but one employee mentioned that since religion is strongly associated with hope, this should be looked upon as the lottery ticket offering hope! When phrased this way most people seemed to now think this was no longer distasteful. I am in no position to understand the underlying psychological behavior this presents but it is an interesting point. Over the weekend I thought about this concept further and since our blog site is new, I was trying to understand what is it we want to accomplish with our AdEdge "Clean Water" blog and then try to look at it from another perspective.
Naturally, we want our blog to provide information about AdEdge, and about the water treatment technologies we offer, but I wrote down some other points as well using "Hope" as the catalyst for my thoughts.
I hope we become a trusted source of information concerning water treatment technologies and systems.
I hope we can connect with people around the world to educate and provide an opportunity to raise questions and concerns.
I hope we can recruit a much needed younger generation and educate them on water issues. I hope we can communicate innovation quicker to the industry which in turn allows people and communities a quicker utilization of new innovations in water treatment.
Conversely I hope the world network will be a beacon for us to innovate new products or services.
I hope our customers share their testimonials about doing business with AdEdge.
I hope we communicate positive contributions made by our industry and by our employees to enhance peoples' lives around the world.
I hope we continue to improve our use of social media to communicate more effectively to the world.
I hope this site enables us to become closer to our customers.
To quote William Sloan Coffin, "Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible."
President, Adedge Technologies, Inc
As a company tradition at AdEdge, we keep Friday's lunchtime open for a company lunch with all staff members. Subjects can range across many topics but usually center around a theme from one of our Company's Core Values.
Passion for Clean Water
Integrity Any Time... Any Place
Exemplary Service
Enjoyment of Work
Last Friday we had a discussion whether it was acceptable to place a lottery ticket in a church offering basket. Most people felt it was not a tasteful act to do this, but one employee mentioned that since religion is strongly associated with hope, this should be looked upon as the lottery ticket offering hope! When phrased this way most people seemed to now think this was no longer distasteful. I am in no position to understand the underlying psychological behavior this presents but it is an interesting point. Over the weekend I thought about this concept further and since our blog site is new, I was trying to understand what is it we want to accomplish with our AdEdge "Clean Water" blog and then try to look at it from another perspective.
Naturally, we want our blog to provide information about AdEdge, and about the water treatment technologies we offer, but I wrote down some other points as well using "Hope" as the catalyst for my thoughts.
I hope we become a trusted source of information concerning water treatment technologies and systems.
I hope we can connect with people around the world to educate and provide an opportunity to raise questions and concerns.
I hope we can recruit a much needed younger generation and educate them on water issues. I hope we can communicate innovation quicker to the industry which in turn allows people and communities a quicker utilization of new innovations in water treatment.
Conversely I hope the world network will be a beacon for us to innovate new products or services.
I hope our customers share their testimonials about doing business with AdEdge.
I hope we communicate positive contributions made by our industry and by our employees to enhance peoples' lives around the world.
I hope we continue to improve our use of social media to communicate more effectively to the world.
I hope this site enables us to become closer to our customers.
To quote William Sloan Coffin, "Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible."
Get to know AdEdge
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hydrogen Sulfide
Quoted from
Hydrogen Sulfide
Effective Treatment For Hydrogen Sulfide In Water
Sulfates and hydrogen sulfide are both common nuisance contaminants. Although neither is usually a significant health hazard, sulfates can have a temporary laxative effect on humans and young livestock. Sulfates also may clog plumbing and stain clothing. Hydrogen sulfide produces an offensive "rotten egg" odor and taste in the water, especially when the water is heated.Treatment options depend on the form and quantities in which sulfates and/or hydrogen sulfide occur in untreated water- Therefore, it is critical that a comprehensive water analysis be conducted.. Small quantities of sulfate may be removed from water using distillation or reverse osmosis, while large quantities may be removed using ion exchange treatment. Hydrogen sulfide gas may be associated with the presence of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria. Hydrogen sulfide may be reduced or removed by shock chlorination, water heater modification, activated carbon filtration, oxidizing filtration or oxidizing chemical injection. AdEdge provides treatment for hydrogen sulfide using our AD26 media in our systems, it is the same as for iron and manganese, allowing the removal of all three contaminants in one process
Let us design a system for you. Just complete this online site profile form and we will provide a design and quote. Fill Out A Site Profile Form
Hydrogen Sulfide
Monday, June 7, 2010
Adedge Technologies :: Remediation
Quoted from
Adedge Technologies :: Remediation
Groundwater Remediation
Several industries and industrial processes may contribute to soil and groundwater contamination. AdEdge Technologies has supplied filtration equipment for several remediation efforts to remove arsenic, lead, and other inorganic contaminants to meet state and federal mandates.
These contaminants might come from lumber processing facilities that use arsenic to treat and preserve the boards, cattle or other animal dipping sites that use arsenic-based pesticide baths, plant nurseries that use arsenic pesticides, construction sites that have high lead contamination from demolition of old buildings, or mine waste and run-off sites that might contain several metals like lead, iron, arsenic, and others. These types of sites are all candidates for systems designed to pump the groundwater through site-specific filtration systems for treatment. After chemical analysis of the water, the systems are sized and operated so that the effluent water can be sent to sanitary sewers or used in ponds as decorative features or for irrigation, allowing the land and groundwater to be used productively after the remediation.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Q: Why do we need to remove excessive fluoride from drinking water?
The US EPA has set a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for fluoride in drinking water at 4.0 mg/L and a secondary limit of 2.0 mg/L because fluoride can cause chronic health issues such as bone and tooth density loss, heart problems, respiratory disease and cancer at higher levels. More and more communities are taking steps to remove excess fluoride from drinking water due to these known health concerns.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Greg Gilles to Present at 2010 Mining Expo in Elko NV.

Vice President and Principal at AdEdge, Greg has over 26 years of treatment technology, industrial, regulatory, engineering, and management experience. Greg has written many publications and received awards for his accomplishments in the removal of arsenic from drinking water. In 2001, Mr. Gilles was presented the prestigious R&D100 Award recognizing the top 100 innovations of 2001, and the Innovative Technology Award from the Water Environment Federation for the development of arsenic removal systems.
Mining Water Treatment Systems
uoted from
Mining Water Treatment Systems
Water Treatment in Mining
The Mining Sector is one of the core industrial sectors being served by AdEdge Technologies. It is quickly becoming the fastest growing segment of our company. We offer customer driven water treatment solutions by understanding the needs of our customers and the demands of achieving ever changing and challenging water treatment discharge standards. From exploration to site closure and post closure, AdEdge can assist you in meeting your water treatment needs. With today’s emphasis on sustainability,
AdEdge’s solutions are long-term focused and environmentally sensitive. We understand that the solutions employed must be able to satisfy regulatory agency requirements and improve the bottom-line. AdEdge understands that our solutions must be compatible with our customers’ operating environment that includes widely fluctuating market conditions, commodity markets, and thin operating margins.
AdEdge utilizes a full range of conventional and innovative treatment technologies to achieve tough standards including adsorption, metals precipitation, coagulation,Let us design a system for you. Just complete the online site profile form below and we will provide a design and quote.
filtration, clarification, ion exchange, advanced oxidation, and membrane based solutions. We can manage a wide range of contaminants often associated with mining operations., dewatering, acid mine drainage, and potable water including suspended solids, heavy metals, and radionuclide, as well as iron, manganese, organics, and total dissolved solids.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Integrated Water Treatment Systems
Quoted from
Integrated Water Treatment Systems
Integrated Treatment Systems, a Custom Approach to Water Treatment
With our integrated system approach AdEdge can integrate a custom treatment solution to meet your needs. Using our APU (Adedge Packaged Unit), Modular, and/or Membrane systems, we integrate pre and post treatment processes to provide a “one stop shop” approach for managing your total treatment need.Our approach is simple and streamlined to accomplish your objectives:
- We review your water quality and define treatment objectives
- We determine site limitations, cost constraints, and site specific factors that affect the technology choice.
- We evaluate various proven treatment technologies to accomplish your objectives
- We work side by side with your engineer to define and design the entire treatment train, to reduce your target contaminants at the lowest cost
AdEdge Integrated Systems offer the following advantages:
- Cost-effective solutions that accomplish treatment goals without over design;
- Single source process responsibility;
- Multiple concurrent contaminant removal;
- Pre- and -post treatment can be integrated into a single control panel;
- Seamless process integration with other AdEdge equipment for simple operation and maintenance;
- Systems designed with energy management in mind to lower operating costs
- Less equipment and integration to procure, manage, operate, and maintain;
- Simpler installation and startup with one source supply;
- Efficient treatment/blending scenarios to achieve minimal loss of water (reject) compared to conventional RO;
We provide integration for the entire system (if desired) to achieve centralized treatment and simplicity of operation.Our integrated systems can include pre-treatment mechanical filtration for suspended solids, or include iron or manganese removal, organics or other contaminants that can foul and otherwise diminish membrane performance and require costly operation and maintenance.Depending on the application, such as for potable water, the treated effluent may post treatment pH correction or disinfection prior to the distribution.AdEdge offers a variety of chemical feed system modules for chlorination, pH adjustment and others which may be desirable to achieve final water quality.
Integrated Systems
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Residential Water Treatment Systems
Quoted from
Residential Water Treatment Systems
Residential Water Systems Provide Treatment for Cancer Causing Arsenic in Water.
AdVantEdge™ Medallion Series POE systems are ideal for whole-house arsenic treatment. No chemicals, no regeneration, low maintenance worry free arsenic removal for the entire household. It's the most economical and effective whole-house treatment available. The adsorption process using AD33 granular ferric oxide provides the best arsenic removal performance of any available technology and is considered the standard in the industry. Medallion Series systems also effectively remove a number of other contaminants, including lead.
AdVantEdge™ High Capacity Series POU systems feature a multifunctional integrated system design ideal for under counter household residential use. Features a single-stage treatment approach using a selected 4.5 x 10-inch cartridge for arsenic removal. The system includes housing components i.e., sumps, caps, mounting bracket, faucet (lead-free), shut-off device, and tubing for a complete unit. Rated cartridge life is every 12 months or 3,000 gallons whichever comes first (for 50 ppb arsenic)
AdVantEdge™ Plus Series POU systems provide the ultimate in point-of-use protection. Incorporating AD33 technology, the Plus Series systems are the first carbon-block based products to achieve an NSF 53 certification for arsenic removal. Plus Series systems also have California certification. They remove a wide range of contaminants, including arsenic, lead, VOCs, pesticides, cryptosporidium, Guardia and chlorine.
AdVantEdge™Dual Series POU under-counter systems are the perfect solution for providing arsenic-free water for cooking and drinking. Complete pre assembled systems include cartridges, housing, bracket, automatic shutoff flow meter, connection tubing and attractive chrome faucet. Easy installation with rapid results. The Dual Series is also available for uranium removal applications.
President' s report recommends home filter use for the prevention of cancer.
A new report by the President’s Cancer Panel recommends home use of filtering systems as a method to prevent the ingestion of carcinogens. WQA issued a press release today directing reporters to this finding.
Click here for a PDF copy of the WQA press release on the report.
Click here to read the report. (Filter recommendation can be found in “Annual Report 2008-2009”, on page xix).
Click here for a PDF copy of the WQA press release on the report.
Click here to read the report. (Filter recommendation can be found in “Annual Report 2008-2009”, on page xix).
Friday, May 14, 2010
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
Quoted from
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
Ion Exchange Technology
Ion exchange (IX) is a method of removing undesirable metallic salt ions dissolved in an aqueous stream by exchanging them with other ions attached to a media, such as a synthetic resin. This reversible chemical process occurs because ions have differing affinities for the resin and will replace those ions with less affinity or attraction as they flow over the media. The ions that are most often used as the exchange ions are sodium and chloride. Some of the ions that may be removed are calcium, magnesium, iron, uranium, nitrate, bicarbonate, carbonate, sulfate, and hydroxide. Eventually, the resin will be saturated with the undesirable ions. Depending on the application, the resin may be regenerated on site, regenerated at a central regeneration facility, or be replaced and disposed. Water softeners use ion exchange to remove the hardness ions, such as calcium and magnesium, and replace them with sodium or potassium ions to make the product water less likely to form scale on pipes, appliances, and fixtures.AdEdge Technologies has systems for uranium reduction using AD92 IX resin. This resin has a very high capacity for uranium removal and is not as susceptible to organic fouling as other resins. It is easily and effectively regenerated with sodium chloride on site which provides a cost-effective way to extend the effective life of the media, reducing operating costs. Frequently Asked Questions: Uranium RemovalNitrate removal systems using AD IX are also available from AdEdge for drinking water systems or industrial waste streams that need to reduce the nitrate level to comply with EPA standards. This resin is designed specifically for removal of nitrate ions and is regenerated with sodium chloride on site to minimize costs.AdEdge AD92 Anion Exchange media: AD92 IXIon Exchange technologiy can also be used for Radium removal applications.Let us design a system for you. Just complete the online site profile form below and we will provide a design and quote. Fill Out A Site Profile Form
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
Quoted from
Adsorption Process
Water Treatment
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
In the adsorption process, contaminants in the aqueous stream break their bond with water molecules and chemically adhere to a filter media. In most systems this is accomplished by directing the water flow through pressure vessels containing the filter media at a rate that allows enough contact time for the adsorption to occur. Several medias have been developed to reduce a variety of contaminants such as arsenic and other heavy metals, fluoride, and dissolved organic chemicals like pesticides or petroleum products.AdEdge Technologies’ Bayoxide®E33 adsorption media is the industry standard for arsenic reduction reducing up to 99% of total arsenic, including both arsenic (III) and arsenic (V). It is also effective in reducing other heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, antimony and molybdenum. This revolutionary iron-based granular adsorption media has 4 to 10 times the capacity of many adsorption medias. Adedge’s product is specifically designed for commercial and residential POE and small drinking water systems to meet the new EPA arsenic standard of 10 ppb. The Bayoxide ®E33 media is discardable when spent and requires no chemicals or regeneration. It has become the premier product of choice for commercial and drinking water treatment systems for reliable, cost-effective, proven reduction of arsenic.AD74, is an AdEdge adsorption media for reducing fluoride, which may be found naturally in some groundwater, added by municipalities, or in some industrial process waste streams. This media can be regenerated or used as a disposable one in smaller applications. It also has the capability to reduce some arsenic and other heavy metals.
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
Quoted from
Adedge Technologies, Water Treatment Systems
Oxidation Filtration
Oxidation/filtration refers to precipitative processes that are designed to remove naturally occurring iron, manganese, and sulfides from water. The processes involve the oxidation of the soluble forms of these contaminants to their insoluble forms and then removal by filtration of the precipitated particles.Arsenic may be removed with the iron in some cases. Arsenic can be removed via two primary mechanisms: adsorption and co-precipitation. In groundwater containing both iron and arsenic, they are usually found in their reduced form. For optimum arsenic removal, a chemical oxidant such as sodium hypochlorite is often needed. Oxidized arsenic then adsorbs onto the iron hydroxide particles that are ultimately filtered out of solution. The arsenic removal efficiency is strongly dependent on the initial iron and arsenic concentrations.The AdEdge Technologies oxidation/ filtration medias have high catalytic and oxidation activity, superior handling properties and stability, NSF 61 certification, require no permanganate or coagulation addition and low capital and operating costs compared to other alternatives due to the smaller system footprints. We have over 300 public water system installations and over 3,000 residential installations, more than any company in the U.S.
Iron and Manganese
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Water Treatment system for Uranium a Success in Village of Marshfield, Vermont
Following a very successful pilot test, AdEdge Technologies Inc. (AdEdge) was selected in 2007 by the Village of Marshfield, VT and the site’s engineer, Forcier Aldrich & Associates (FA&A), to supply and install a full scale uranium treatment system using its AD92 regenerative Ion Exchange (IX) Technology. Given the high naturally occurring uranium of 76 ug/L (nearly 3X the acceptable level), the municipal system had not utilized the two supply wells for several years. Bottled water was being provided to residents in the interim awaiting a solution. The affected wells serve a portion of the town and can produce up to 80 gpm with an expected average daily demand of 28,500 gallons per day. AdEdge was contracted to fabricate and install the treatment system by FA&A and the Village. The AdEdge team prepared the design documents to install a twin vessel parallel treatment system to reduce the high uranium levels to below MCLs. Both regenerative and throw away options were explored with the conclusion that the regenerative AD92 IX approach was the preferred and most cost-effective option for this site.
Designed to provide high efficiency removal of naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater supplies, the packaged, pre-engineered AdEdge AD92 system featured a twin vessel configuration flowing 160 gpm in parallel or 80 gpm per vessel. The system came complete with a manual regeneration/brine system to regenerate the IX resin periodically on demand. The complete system was packaged and delivered for site installation in July of 2007. AD92 IX media is a specialty strong base anion resin with high capacity for uranium removal. It provides superior removal efficiency for uranium and greater resistance to organic fouling than other media. The negatively charged uranium species binds to the anion resin as it passes through the bed and is periodically regenerated with salt brine solution periodically as the resin reaches a certain loading level. The system was permitted by the Vermont Water Supply Division and utilizes a local discharge permit for the periodic wastewater.
The system was placed into full time operation in early July, 2007 processing 80 gpm through the system. Initial results reported by the site’s State Certified Laboratory and reported to the State of Vermont Water Supply Division show excellent uranium reduction from 75 ug/L of uranium to below 2 ug/L (non-detectable) in the treated water. The system will be monitored regularly according to the terms of the operating permit.
Designed to provide high efficiency removal of naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater supplies, the packaged, pre-engineered AdEdge AD92 system featured a twin vessel configuration flowing 160 gpm in parallel or 80 gpm per vessel. The system came complete with a manual regeneration/brine system to regenerate the IX resin periodically on demand. The complete system was packaged and delivered for site installation in July of 2007. AD92 IX media is a specialty strong base anion resin with high capacity for uranium removal. It provides superior removal efficiency for uranium and greater resistance to organic fouling than other media. The negatively charged uranium species binds to the anion resin as it passes through the bed and is periodically regenerated with salt brine solution periodically as the resin reaches a certain loading level. The system was permitted by the Vermont Water Supply Division and utilizes a local discharge permit for the periodic wastewater.
The system was placed into full time operation in early July, 2007 processing 80 gpm through the system. Initial results reported by the site’s State Certified Laboratory and reported to the State of Vermont Water Supply Division show excellent uranium reduction from 75 ug/L of uranium to below 2 ug/L (non-detectable) in the treated water. The system will be monitored regularly according to the terms of the operating permit.
Case Study,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Naturally Occurring Groundwater Uranium Treated in S. Lake Tahoe Community
In early March, 2009 after an evaluation period, AdEdge Technologies was selected among other alternatives and contracted by Elk Point Country Club Community (EPCCHOA) to provide a packaged treatment system for uranium removal that complied with the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) regulations. The EPCCHOA is located on the South East side of Lake Tahoe at Elk Point, Nevada, and this community is served by a well, which initially had a flow rate of 120 gpm. The flow of the well pump was modified to obtain the specified 60 gallons per minutes (gpm) design flow rate with an average uranium concentration of 40 µg/L, exceeding the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 30 µg/L. Water quality is shown below. AdEdge worked closely with EPCCHOA’s engineer to provide techical support, drawings and final design of a uranium-treatment solution for the community that satisfied the NDEP drinking water regulations.
The regenerative AdEdge AD92 IX ion exchange approach was the preferred and most cost-effective option for this site, and this technology has been designed to provide high efficiency removal of naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater supplies. The AD92 IX media is a strong base-anion exchange resin used to selectively remove naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater. The AD92 IX media can selectively remove the negatively charged uranium anion to below the State and Federal MCL of 30 ppb. As uranium passes through the bed, it is removed allowing the chloride and bicarbonate ions to be exchanged for the uranium. In addition, AD92 IX resin provides superior regeneration efficiency and greater resistance to organic fouling.
The AdEdge AD92 pre-engineered, and packaged system provided for Elk Point Country Club is composed of twin 30-inch diameter vessels with a design flow of 60 gpm in a parallel configuration. The system is controlled during normal operation, backwash, and on-site regeneration using the Programmable Logic Controller PLC with a control panel. The system was furnished complete with a regeneration/brine system to regenerate the IX resin periodically on demand. A sodium chloride (brine) solution is used to regenerate the anion resin. The brine module is a separate system composed of a single polyethylene brine tank with valves, flow restrictors and rotometers which work during the automatic cycle operation, service, backwash, brining, slow rinse and fast rinse cycles.
The complete system was packaged and delivered for site installation in September of 2009 and was placed into full operation in early January of 2010, processing about 6,000 to 8,000 gallons per day. Water samples of the treated water were taken in February of 2010 and results from a State Certified Lab reports excellent performance with uranium levels of less than 0.001 mg/L or (1 ug/L).
The regenerative AdEdge AD92 IX ion exchange approach was the preferred and most cost-effective option for this site, and this technology has been designed to provide high efficiency removal of naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater supplies. The AD92 IX media is a strong base-anion exchange resin used to selectively remove naturally-occurring uranium from groundwater. The AD92 IX media can selectively remove the negatively charged uranium anion to below the State and Federal MCL of 30 ppb. As uranium passes through the bed, it is removed allowing the chloride and bicarbonate ions to be exchanged for the uranium. In addition, AD92 IX resin provides superior regeneration efficiency and greater resistance to organic fouling.
The AdEdge AD92 pre-engineered, and packaged system provided for Elk Point Country Club is composed of twin 30-inch diameter vessels with a design flow of 60 gpm in a parallel configuration. The system is controlled during normal operation, backwash, and on-site regeneration using the Programmable Logic Controller PLC with a control panel. The system was furnished complete with a regeneration/brine system to regenerate the IX resin periodically on demand. A sodium chloride (brine) solution is used to regenerate the anion resin. The brine module is a separate system composed of a single polyethylene brine tank with valves, flow restrictors and rotometers which work during the automatic cycle operation, service, backwash, brining, slow rinse and fast rinse cycles.
The complete system was packaged and delivered for site installation in September of 2009 and was placed into full operation in early January of 2010, processing about 6,000 to 8,000 gallons per day. Water samples of the treated water were taken in February of 2010 and results from a State Certified Lab reports excellent performance with uranium levels of less than 0.001 mg/L or (1 ug/L).
Case Study,
AdEdge Treatment System Solves Arsenic Issue for Indiana School
AdEdge was selected in 2007 by the U.S. EPA and the host site in the Round 2a Arsenic Demonstration Program to implement a turnkey arsenic treatment for the Clinton Christian School in Goshen, IN. The Clinton Christian School water system is served by one well with a design flow of 25 gpm. The well provides potable water for the school with a population of 130 students / staff members. The treatment system receives water on the well side of the storage tanks with an elevated iron level of 0.81 mg/L, high manganese of 0.10 mg/l and an arsenic level of 29 ppb, above the EPA MCL of 10 ppb. AdEdge was contracted by U.S. EPA to provide and manage all aspects of the project including permitting with IDEM, design, and fabrication, installation, and startup activities. The system was AdEdge’s 11th full scale EPA demonstration project.
AdEdge proposed and installed a hybrid style treatment system designed to reduce iron, manganese and arsenic concurrently to below primary and secondary MCLs. The system utilizes an AD26 Oxidation/Filtration pretreatment technology followed by granular ferric oxide adsorption deploying Bayoxide® E33 GFO media. The design also includes a backwash management system capable of removing residual chlorine from the periodic backwash water to comply with the site’s NPDES discharge permit. The packaged modular system features a triplex 13-inch diameter composite filtration package plumbed in a parallel flow prior to the dual 24-inch composite module containing AdEdge Bayoxide® E33 adsorption media. The system is placed after a pre-chlorination module for oxidation of iron and manganese, as well as arsenic (III) species. The modular treatment system is equipped with automatic controls, backwashing features, switches, gauges, flow meters, and sample ports for a complete functioning unit.
Since full time operation began in February, 2008, the system has effectively reduced iron, manganese, and arsenic well below primary and secondary MCLs. Over 95% of iron and manganese and 85% arsenic reduction is being accomplished with the AD26 pretreatment technology. Arsenic in the final treated water following adsorption has consistantly been < 2 ppb. Approximately 2,500 gallons per day is being processed through the system on average. The site’s operator performs the routine sample collection and reporting associated with the U.S. EPA’s Demonstration Program requirements with quarterly reporting of the data by EPA’s contractor Battelle. A EPA summary report is publically available on the EPA website.
Case Study,
Iron and Manganese
AdEdge AD26 System Treats High Iron & Manganese Levels in Georgia Community
In June 2009, the Stewart County Water Company selected and began working with AdEdge Technologies to assist with the design and implementation of an Iron and Manganese treatment system to serve the water supply for Stewart County in Louvale, Georgia. The site has one existing groundwater supply well that provides drinking water for approximately 225 connections with high levels of Manganese (Mn) and Iron (Fe) that exceed the secondary drinking water standard Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) and resulted in poor water quality being served to the community. The well produces approximately 45,000 gallons per day (gpd) during a typical 8 hours of well pump operation. The treatment system was designed for 100 gallons per minute (gpm) with an approximate iron concentration of 1.16 milligrams per liter (mg/L) and manganese levels of up to 0.05 milligrams per liter (mg/L). AdEdge assisted Stewart County Water Department with the necessary drawings, submittals, and technical documents for obtaining the necessary permits to install and operate the new treatment system.
AdEdge recommended an AD26 oxidation/filtration treatment system to reduce these parameters to below MCLs. The proposed integrated AdEdge AD26 iron and manganese treatment system for Stewart County included a pH adjustment module, (existing) pre-chlorination module, and backwash recycle module with integrated controls. The system consisted of a skid mounted model AD26-3660CS-S-2-AVH in parallel configuration, with a Programmable Logic Controller module (PLC) which regulates the automated control valves. System features also includes differential pressure switch, central control panel and local gauges, flow sensors and totalizers, including sample ports for a complete functioning package. Each vessel contains the catalytically active AD26 Manganese Dioxide media. In addition to the treatment system, the integrated water treatment system includes a Soda Ash feed injected prior to the filtration system to raise the raw water pH which is less than 5.5 to approximately 7.5 for enhancing contaminant removal. The treatment system also features a zero discharge backwash recycle module consisting of a backwash recycle pump skid and control panel, bag filter, and a vertical polyethylene storage tank that allows nearly 99% reuse of the backwash water, eliminating the need for discharge permits.
The system was successfully started up and commenced operation in December, 2009. The system throughput is based on a utilization of approximately 7-8 hours per day, with approximately 100 gpm (7.0 gpm/SqFt) being consistently treated for high manganese and iron levels that exceed the MCLs. To date the system’s performance is excellent and consistently achieving MCLs (over 9% removal) for these contaminants with no down time. Independent testing provided by Professional Water Services of Albany, GA, indicates non-detect levels of iron and manganese in the effluent of the treatment system.
Case Study,
Iron and Manganese
AdEdge H2Zero Recycle Backwash Systems Save Water and the Environment
Developed by AdEdge, H2Zero Recycle/Backwash Systems conserve water by storing and treating residuals in backwash water from filtration and treatment systems. Nearly all water filtration-related processes that remove target contaminants generate some liquid or solid residuals that need to be subsequently managed.
AdEdge H2Zero systems can be customized and designed for most manufacturers' adsorption, oxidation and filtration systems, whether backwashing is infrequent or performed one or more times per week and can be retrofitted into already installed treatment systems.
Key features include a vertical polyethylene or a steel tank for holding the backwash water, a reclaim pump skid, integrated controls, particle filtration, as well as information data for solids management.
AdEdge H2Zero systems can be customized and designed for most manufacturers' adsorption, oxidation and filtration systems, whether backwashing is infrequent or performed one or more times per week and can be retrofitted into already installed treatment systems.
Key features include a vertical polyethylene or a steel tank for holding the backwash water, a reclaim pump skid, integrated controls, particle filtration, as well as information data for solids management.
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